So I've decided to take a tiny little break from writing this dissertation proposal to blog out some issues I have floating about in my head tonight in hopes that it will help my progression. I've been starring at this computer for going on 13 hours now and am incredibly disheartened by the serious lack of words that are missing from my paper. It's not from lack of trying...or information. I have a PLETHORA of research to choose from...words just waiting to have a place in the proposal, probably feeling unloved and useless at the moment. But you see, I think that's my problem...I take one look at all those articles, books, websites, and journals crammed side by side in their designated dissertation folder and FREAK OUT! It's information overload. I can practically hear them screaming "Pick me, pick me, pick me! Start here, I'm the most useful! You know green is the way to go! No, you need to define Sustainability! No, no, silly, start with Mega events!" Aaaaaaah! I just want to run screaming from them all.

The truly frustrating part about it is that I KNOW I have genuinely relevant and useful material to work brain just can't seem to cope with organising it into something academically coherent. Typically, this issue manifests during daylight hours and I am hoping that despite the serious lack of sleep this night is going to bring, that my brain will go into focus mode and keep the struggle to a bare minimum. That would be most excellent!

On a similar/side note...while browsing some of my research earlier, I was severely depressed to discover that my home state (which coincidentally holds the uber "green" festival I am writing on) holds two of the leading cities in America with the highest carbon footprint. It just goes to show that the greening activism and community outreach programmes that Bonnaroo run are obviously very much needed in Tennessee. I always knew that people there were generally quite ignorant when it came to environmental effects and practices but I didn't know it was THAT bad. It's just...sad. I'm going to be giving everyone a dose of green when I go back, that's for sure!

Well..I guess it's back to the proposal, I go. May focus and motivation be my friend!